Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can I have sys password and password file password different?

Can I have sys password and password file password different?

Ans: Yes 

If you create the password file with a password different than the sys password, that'll be the password you use to connect as sysdba over a network (the password in the password file is used for sysdba connections)

Facts about sys user password and password file

1. SYS password is defined at the time of database creation 

- Same password will be used to create password file 

2. We can change the sys user password using SQL command 

SQL> alter user sys identified by <password_1>;

3. We can create a password file with a password other than sys user password

orapwd file=orapw<SID> password=<password_2>

4. It is best practice to keep both sys user and password file password to be same 

5. Changing the sys password using alter user will automatically update the password file

- Where as creating the password file with new password will not update the sys password inside database.  

More details about the sys user password and password file password refer the below docs 

Problem to connect as SYSDBA

sys password change and orapwd file

Mallikarjun / Vismo Technologies
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